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  1. Installing and configurating yop: This tutorial walks you through how to install and set up yop on your computer.
  2. Navigating yop??????
  3. Formulate and solve a OCP: This tutorial shows how to formulate an optimal control problem and solving it with yop.
  4. Multiphse: This tutorial shows how to solve multiple phases in an optimal control problem.
  5. External constraints: This tutorial shows how to take external constraints into account, e.g. sunlight when controlling a greenhouse.
  6. Nondifferentiable problems: This tutorial shows how to solve a nondifferentiable system, e.g. a unit step.
  7. Initial guess: Sometimes an initial guess is required to find the optimal solution and this tutorial will show you how to do it in yop.
  8. Simulating your problem: This tutorial will show you how to simulate your model with yop.